Stratos Technology Partners Gets Behind Christchurch Charities

Posted on 30 April 2015

Stratos Technology Partners is excited about sponsoring this year’s Christchurch Hackathon organised by Charity IT. Conducted over a weekend, volunteer IT professionals get together to hammer out a technology solution for four worthy Christchurch Charities. This year the four charities are Renew Brighton, Volunteering Canterbury, Gap Filler and AvON.

Renew Brighton

Renew Brighton emerged in a post-quake Christchurch to facilitate the community’s recovery. Their project will create a platform for the numerous other charities and volunteer organisations in greater Brighton to work together towards a better future; ultimately it will encourage and enable a more collaborative approach to service funding and delivery ~ a principle at the core of community-led recovery and development.

This is a green field project. A database needs to be created for various activities of the community groups in New Brighton. Only the administrators from Renew Brighton will have access to the data entry module. Numerous views will be created for the public to filter information from the database.

Volunteering Canterbury

Volunteering Canterbury has been operating since September 1988, Volunteering Canterbury supports informal and formal volunteering,  supporting volunteer organisations across the city by providing a platform for recruitment, guidance for volunteer management and providing training and support for organisations within the sector. Their Charity IT project will help move their organization towards a future where IT can be better used to manage their needs.

Their current website is very difficult to manage. They want to replace it with a more user friendly Content Management System. The site should be responsive to various devices and screen sizes.

Gap Filler

Gap Filler aims to temporarily activate vacant sites within Christchurch with creative projects, to make for a more interesting, dynamic and vibrant city. Established as a result and reaction to the numerous Christchurch earthquakes, Gap Filler aims to entice and encourage citizens and visitors to Christchurch to engage and experiment in the new city landscapes.

This project aims to create an on-line digital tool as a guide to ‘free’ Christchurch – the transitional, the creative and the favourite places participants share. A database needs to be created for various “experiences” and activities that Gap Filler has to offer.

Only the administrators from Gap Filler will have access to a data entry module.  The only exception being provision for gathering Feedback and Reviews which will be collected from the visitors/users of facilities/activities. Facebook and Twitter integration is also required.

Several views will be created for the public to filter information from the database. The public should be able to view information on a map as well. The site should be responsive to various devices and screen sizes and integrate with various map apps on smart phones.


As part of the Mahinga Kai Exemplar project, AvON is creating a park reserve in the Earthquake Red Zone. There will be some Open Classrooms in the reserve for schools. It will be available to visitors as well.

AvON want to create a new resource library. A database needs to be created for an on-line library of resources with different levels of access and the capacity to catalogue and store files of different types including graphics, videos, and text with intuitive navigation.

Various school groups will be uploading pictures/videos of the flora/fauna of the park with some text. Some of these would be available to public, some to other schools of their choice and some to only the students of that school. One click uploads from mobile devices should be possible with QR codes supplied on the site.

Visiting hours

If you’d like to drop in and see everyone at work here are the details you'll need:

  • Friday May 1, 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Saturday May 2, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Sunday May 3, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Orion Health 2 Hazeldean Rd Addington Christchurch

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518 Colombo Street
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Christchurch 8140
New Zealand

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