Environment and Social Impact

Stratos is committed to ensuring we are a great place to work, minimise our environment impact and support our community.

Our community

Stratos recognises that we are part of the community, locally in Christchurch and beyond.

Stratos wants to make a positive contribution to both our local community and to the tech community. We are committed to contributing in the following ways:

  • Supporting local charities that improve outcomes for people in our community.
  • Participating in the technical community to improve our industry.
  • Encouraging and supporting our team so they can get involved in community activities.

Our environment

Stratos is committed to minimising our environmental impact. The tangible actions we take include:

  • Providing flexible working conditions that allow our team to work from home.
  • Providing cycling friendly facilities.
  • Minimising travel.
  • Using renewable energy providers.
  • Actively recycling and minimising waste where possible.

Diversity and Inclusion

Stratos is committed to providing an inclusive workplace and culture, allowing people from all backgrounds, age groups, cultures, sexual orientations, and genders to feel welcome and to participate in company activities and decision-making processes.  

Our Team

Stratos recognises that our team is critical to our success. We are committed to ensuring:

  • Our team are remunerated above the living wage.
  • Our team can work flexibly to support their needs and those of their family.
  • We provide a safe workplace for all.
  • We have an inclusive culture.

Holding us to our word

We provide an anonymous process for employees to report issues of concern. This includes:

  • Items listed in the Stratos Code of Conduct.
  • Potential illegal or unethical activities of our clients.
  • Conflicts of interest between Stratos, our employees and clients.
  • Employment matters.

Our expectations of our suppliers and clients

Stratos are committed to ensuring our team are supported so they can deliver well for our clients. We cannot do this alone. We ask that our suppliers and clients work with us to ensure we can live up to this Code of Conduct.

Contact Us

Level 1
518 Colombo Street
Christchurch Central

PO Box 2386
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand


+64-3 376 4525

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