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Your organisation may already be in the cloud but you don’t know it

We are frequently encountering client employees using cloud services without their IT team’s authorisation. Often they’re doing it for the best of reasons, they’re sharing their company’s sensitive data with customers, suppliers and each other, all in an effort to get their jobs done faster and easier. You could already…
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How to Avoid Pain by Integrating MailChimp with your CRM

Many companies use email marketing tools, like MailChimp, to communicate with their customers and run email campaigns. Keeping your CRM and MailChimp in synch with the latest up to date information on marketing list members can be painful if it has to be done manually. The Pain It’s painful when…
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How to Buy MS Office: Analysing the Options

Needing to upgrade Microsoft Office? As Microsoft’s pricing has evolved, we have been fielding questions about how to move forward with email and MS Office. Here is an analysis for a scenario where a business needs to accommodate up to 30-100 users. We have looked at five different options: Office…
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Sutter and TEDx: Impacting Lives

TEDx is a remarkable event that involves community members presenting extraordinary ideas that often change lives. One of our team members Sutter Schumacher is a TEDx volunteer and we asked if we could interview her and find out more about it. Please tell our readers about yourself. I’m a PMP-certified…
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The 2014 Essential Guide to Mobile Technologies for B2B marketers

Mobile technology use is growing quickly Use of Mobile Technologies in business is gathering momentum. Here’s a guide on this trend and what it means for B2B marketers and business owners. This guide will help you Win approval if you think your company needs a website that supports mobile technologies.…
SharePoint Doc Management

Contract Management with SharePoint

Nobody wants to be kept awake at night by a contract management nightmare. Contracts can be complex with multiple draft versions, signed copies, variations and supporting documents. Contracts can have long life-cycles and outlast the people involved directly in the contract negotiation, leaving you wondering if you have the right…

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