Stratos Technology Partners Launch Event: Time for a Shout Out....!

Posted on 9 April 2015

Our event to launch our new name Stratos Technology Partners was great fun and we received lots of positive feedback.  Our pre-launch campaign successfully built a sense of intrigue and interest.  Of course, we owe our success to the remarkable people from Stratos and other organisations who were involved in putting it together.

Stratos means "highest level" and relates to strategy.  With this in mind, we went with an aviation theme.

At the beginning of the event we had The Vocal Network draw everyone together.  A lot of people might not know that David Merriman, Ed Dempsey, Aaron Chandler and Andrew Grieve are all information technology professionals.  Their version of "Come Fly With Me" did a great job of capturing everyone's attention.

The Vocal Network








Our next Shout Out goes to Ali Duncan (below)...

Ali Duncan








...who did an outstanding job with the boarding pass design (below) and other graphics used in the teaser campaign.

Boarding pass invitation








A website is a huge amount of work and it wouldn't have gone half as smoothly without the help of Anu de Silva (below)

Anu De Silva








Our next shout out goes to Sutter Schumacher (below) who kept us all on track and did an excellent job arranging the venue and organising everything that went with it

Sutter Schumacher








Of course, no launch can be successful without brave clients who were up for a challenge, so the next shout out has to go to

Steve Kilpatrick from (below),

Steve Kilpatrick








Michael Gilbert from Smart Systems (below),

Michael Gilbert








Gary Allen from Pegasus Health (below) and

Gary Allen








Matt Long from the Nanny Company (below)


Matt Long








Many thanks for their support over the years while we were known as Canterbury Business Solutions and the kind words they said about us during the launch.  We look forward to serving them as Stratos Technology Partners.

Our next shout out goes to Bronson Shadlock, from the Miles Group who was the first to put his hand up to fly our helicopters.  The challenge was to fly the helicopter from a spot on the floor and land it successfully on a table.  Sounds simple...


Miles helicopter flight








The pressure was on but perseverance, and tons of natural ability prevailed in the end!

Miles helicopter flight triumph








Matt Long, from the Nanny Company was our dark horse, with sons in his family and a few mis-spent Summers, all unknown to us, he has had plenty of practice before and showed us how it's done

Nanny Company helicopter flight








Many thanks to Tony Kan (below) who dreamed up the aviation theme, put together the teaser campaign and did the testimonials.

Tony Kan








And finally, but not least we also want to thank Susan Siu-Grobler of Glow Studios and Lucy Arnold of Board of Design who respectively produced the fantastic photographic images and the beautiful graphical design work on our Stratos Technology Partners logo and website.

Great job!

Visit our Facebook page to see more photos from our launch event.

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